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church loans &
trust agreements
Church loans
It’s a great feeling to work with someone who understands you… your vision, your mission, and your passion to make the gospel known. We desire to help your church finance its next step and we have been effectively assisting churches for 60 years.
Start your church financing process, contact the NW Baptist Foundation today!
Whether you’re looking to potentially improve the terms of your current mortgage, take out a construction loan, or purchase a new facility that better fits God’s mission for you in your community, we have the ability to finance you. Purchase/Refinance loans have terms up to 15 years and an amortization of up to 20 years to provide additional cash flow flexibility.
construction loan
If you’re looking to build a new facility or do a major renovation/expansion of an existing facility to better join God in His mission we have the ability to finance you. Construction loans have terms of up to 18 months with interest-only payments until the loan matures. We also offer permanent or “take-out financing” to pay off the construction loan when your project is completed.
acquisition loan
Site acquisition loans are a great tool to acquire bare land that is strategic to your long-term mission while allowing the time for visioning, planning and fund raising for future development. Site acquisition loans have terms of up to 5 years. We also offer construction loans to help finance your development of the site when you’re ready.
Special Purpose Loan
Whether you’re looking to purchase equipment that will enhance your ministry or complete minor improvements to your facility we have the ability to finance you. Special purpose loans are for up to $100,000 and will have terms up to 10 years.
IBA Loan
Churches who are members of the Interstate Baptist Association may qualify for special low-interest loans. These loans are available from a trust fund established by the Interstate Baptist Association for the benefit of their member churches. The Foundation manages this fund on behalf of the Association, and works with them to review and approve loan applications as they are received.
Here are some guidelines to assist you in considering financing:
A loan may be <75% of the value of the property securing the loan.
A loan should have a DSCR of 1.25:1 or better. DSCR is the ratio of cash available to service principal and interest payments. It is calculated as follows: (General Giving – Personnel Expenses – Facility Expenses) divided by (Total Debt Service Cost) or GG-PE-FE/TDSC = DSCR____:1
Start your church financing process, contact the NW Baptist Foundation today!
trust agreements
for investing
Whether you need to start a building fund, scholarship fund, or save for a rainy day, we can create a trust fund to meet your church’s individual needs. With the multiple investment opportunities available in trust funds managed by the Foundation, we can usually help you receive a higher return than you can obtain from your local bank. Examples include:
Endowment fund (provides stability for your church’s budget during times when your community faces hard times)
Unique opportunities (a church member desires to make a donation of something other than cash)
Safeguarding and protecting your assets is something that requires your attention now. The Foundation can help you understand and implement the steps necessary to protect the legacy of your church. This will ensure the resources that have been entrusted to your church will be used for ministry according to its wishes, perhaps even beyond the life of your church.
5 Administrative Concerns for Churches​​​