resource center

Loan Information
It’s a great feeling to work with someone who understands you… your vision, your mission, and your passion to make the gospel known. We desire to help your church or school finance its next step.

NWBF Newsletters
The NWBF Newsletter is published in June and sent to our affiliates and clients. Click the link to view reports.

The act of giving money or other items of value to a charitable organization without expecting to receive anything in return. It is the art of helping others who cannot help themselves. Is it your time to give?

2024 NWBF Annual Report
The NWBF Annual Report is submitted each year to the Northwest Baptist Convention and is distributed at the Annual Meeting. Click the link to view the Foundation's report.

Scholarship Information
If you believe the future can be changed by the sharpened mind of a well instructed student, we invite you to consider the benefits of a scholarship. Thoughtful donors have established scholarship funds to which you can contribute.